Hear how Charles E Miller, MD was able to view the uterus clearly using the TruClear™ system to remove Sandy’s retained products of conception.
Women deserve the best possible reproductive care. Today, D&C is the most common approach for management of retained products of conception (RPOC). But new data show D&C is associated with a higher incidence of intrauterine adhesions and incomplete evacuation compared with hysteroscopic resection in women treated for RPOC.1
For retained products of conception evacuation, the TruClear™ system:
Minimizes endometrial damage by evacuating RPOC under direct visualization
Captures tissue for histological confirmation
Potentially reduces the need for additional procedures as the system has demonstrated complete removal in over 94% of patients2
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1. Hooker, A., Aydin, H., Brölmann, H. and Huirne, J. (2016). Long-term complications and reproductive outcome after the management of retained products of conception: a systematic review. Fertility and Sterility, 105(1), pp.156-164.e2.
2. Emanuel MH, Womstaker K. A new hysteroscopic operating technique to remove intrauterine polyps and myomas. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2005; 12(1):62–66.